4 FAQs About a Dental Check-Up

Dental Checkup Santa Rosa, CA

Much like a routine visit to the doctor’s office, a dental check-up is a good way to assess how you are doing with oral wellness. It is easy to get busy with life and forget about making this important appointment. However, you should make this a priority for yourself and everyone in your family.

What to expect

A dental check-up provides comprehensive preventive care and diagnosis of oral health issues. Patients will first get X-rays, which can identify even the smallest developing cavities and infections deep in the tooth. The dental hygienist will also thoroughly clean each tooth and all parts of the teeth with an ultrasonic tool. To improve the teeth’s appearance, the hygienist will also scrape away plaque and other buildup, followed by polishing. The dentist concludes the appointment with an examination and evaluation of the patient’s needs and condition.

Regular appointments are critical

Dentists urge patients of all ages to come in for a dental check-up every six months. These consistent visits can spot problems such as cavities, gum disease, abscesses or cosmetic damage before they get worse. Semiannual appointments also get people into the habit of establishing good dental hygiene.

No need to fear X-rays

Some patients worry about X-rays and potential exposure to radiation. X-rays emit a low level of radiation, and exposure is minimal. The dental staff will take every precaution possible, such as putting a protective covering or vest over the patient. The dentist will only take X-rays to diagnose conditions or for treatment purposes. However, the dentist will not take X-rays on pregnant patients. Plus, anyone who has concerns about this procedure should feel free to share them with the staff.

A dental check-up tells the dentist and patient what treatments are necessary

Regardless of the severity of a patient’s oral health problems, the dentist can develop a treatment plan to help. If the dentist sees a cavity, then a filling or root canal should provide relief. If there is a chipped or broken tooth, the dentist will discuss putting on a crown or veneer. Even patients who are missing teeth can find a solution by getting implants or dentures.

Insurance may cover it all

Many insurance plans will provide 100% coverage for preventive visits. Restorative care will require more of a financial commitment from the patient. The regular check-up usually does not cost the patient a dime. Before going in for the checkup, the patient should speak with the insurance provider. The insurance will confirm whether the patient will not have any payment obligations.

It is time for your appointment

Most people probably do not look forward to coming to the dentist’s office for a dental check-up. If you are nervous about this appointment, know that the staff is concerned about your well-being. If you come in every six months and maintain good oral habits, you can enjoy strong, healthy teeth and gums. Whether you are currently on track with your visits, or whether it has been a while since you have been in, call the dentist today and schedule an exam.

Are you considering getting a dental check-up in the Santa Rosa area? Get more information at https://www.kennethbauerdds.com.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Checkup in Santa Rosa, CA.

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